Budlong Avenue Elementary School Home

Welcome to the home of the Budlong Bulldogs where we nurture the WHOLE child everyday!

About Us

Welcome to Budlong Avenue Elementary School. On behalf of our school staff, we thank you for allowing us to serve as your committed public servants ensuring the academic success and social emotional well being of all students.

News & Announcements


Register for a Summer of Learning

Join us from June 26 – July 25 and make the most out of this year’s Summer of Learning. Summer programs include instructional support, expanded learning, specialized programs and virtual enrichment.



Our Mission

At Budlong Avenue Elementary School, Administrators, Coordinators, Teachers, Parents, Community Members, and Additional Support Staff will: Work Collaboratively to provide quality instruction, develop students who are proficient in academic standards, and instill the value of learning and foster a positive sense of self-worth."